Grafiche Sestante S.r.l. was born in 1988 from an idea of five people as a producer of Continuous Forms and Booklets. The experience in the graphic sector, the union of productive and commercial competences and the will of getting involved represented the main reasons for the creation of a business that would provide better quality products in the printing field.

The choice of certain rotary machineries was decided with the purpose of occupying a less developed sector and covering the market of small and medium print runs and responding, with innovative and modern proposals, to increasing necessities and a more and more diversified demand.  This kind of  machineries permitted a great speed and agility in changing the printing formats, allowing the modularity of the working processes and reducing the make-ready times.

Today Grafiche Sestante is a dynamic reality, with a thirty-year experience behind, that offers to companies and agencies its competencies and professionalism, thanks to advanced printing solutions, customized assistance and consultancy, product personalization and optimization of the outputs on specific needs.

In this proposition our whole philosophy is enclosed. Because we believe that experience, quality and reliability come first in the creation of a product which will arrive in people’s hands for their daily use. And we commit ourselves to make our work a direct expression of these values. We try to be the reference point for companies that believe in the security and customization of communications, in order to give added value to their own marketing operations.

The high quality standards to which we’ve accustomed our customers are the result of the work of an experienced and professional staff who works with enthusiasm, respecting the current regulations.

The Company, since its foundation, has always put among its main goals, in addition to the Customer satisfaction, the respect for the security of the staff, the environment and the product, adopting a series of actions coherent with its strategy, such as:

  • The constant professional update of human resources;
  • The continuous improvement of the productive processes and the updating of the equipment;
  • The awareness about security in the working place and towards the environmental values;
  • The respect and compliance of the legislation and guidelines about security and environment, among which the certification on the emissions in the atmosphere and on the waste disposal.

In Grafiche Sestante we have been working for thirty years in the field of offset printing, dealing with the production of Continuous Forms, Labels, Envelopes, Commercial Printing, Special Applications and FISCODE® for sending confidential codes.

We manage a consultancy activity, working with you in the study of the creativity and the products’ graphic, in order to guarantee you the best final result. We are at your disposal to give you suggestions about formats, printing materials, elaboration, finishing and, if necessary, packaging and logistics. Because we want to be by your side as a landmark to communicate with innovative solutions.

From the beginning, we have chosen the Sextant as our logo and representative element of the Company because, at the origin, it was a tool that helped sailors to calculate their own position in the sea, always indicating the correct route towards which to navigate. Similarly, it represented for our Company a reference point and a good-luck symbol, that would indicate the correct direction to go in order to reach the different milestones of our journey. And for us it’s still so.